What people are doing when they're not at work Weekend Nights!

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      Welcome to our new weekend night page. We have been planning to add a night page for over a year. Houston like many urban areas has great nightlife dispute at 2am everything closes. I had to get use to "last calls" in America's Bayou City. We are going to start our page simply by listing clubs we think deserve your attention. We will talk about them and add a link to their web pages. If you know of any deserving night spot e-mail me by using our contact page.       

   Again welcome to our new night page, remember it is in beta mode.

Jeff White-Managing Editor Weekend America Web Networks

Weekend Houston's Editor's Pic

Featured Venue


The Blue Moose Lodge is something different from any other bar along the Washington Street entertainment scene. Where else are you going to find the best of live Texas music playing in a lodge setting? No place I can think of that’s for sure.

Weekend Houston.net Nights